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How Do I Transition to Viscosity from Windows OpenVPN GUI?

Viscosity is capable of importing OpenVPN connections designed for Windows, making transitioning to Viscosity as painless as possible.

Viscosity Mac

Viscosity will automatically detect Windows-specific commands and remove them or attempt to convert them to the Mac equivalent when importing Windows connections.

Transferring across VPN connections from a Windows computer to Viscosity is relatively straight forward, and involves firstly copying across your OpenVPN configuration file/s, and any associated keys and certifications onto your Mac. These files can usually be found at the following location under Windows:

C:\Program files\OpenVPN\config\

Once you have these files on your Mac you can then follow the Importing a Connection instructions under the Getting Started With Viscosity (Mac) article to import these files into Viscosity.

Viscosity Windows

To automatically import connections from OpenVPN GUI into Viscosity Windows, open the Viscosity Preferences Window and go to the Advanced tab. Click the Import From drop down, select OpenVPN then follow the prompts. This will automatically search for and import connections stored in the default OpenVPN locations, generally:

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\