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Uninstalling Viscosity (Mac)

Viscosity can be uninstalled by simply quitting Viscosity and then dragging the Viscosity application to the Trash. In most cases the Viscosity application can be found at:


When troubleshooting problems it is also recommend Viscosity's helper tool is uninstalled by running the following commands in the Terminal (found at /Applications/Utilities/

sudo launchctl unload "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sparklabs.ViscosityHelper.plist"
sudo rm "/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.sparklabs.ViscosityHelper"
sudo rm "/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sparklabs.ViscosityHelper.plist"
sudo rm -R "/Library/Application Support/Viscosity"

If you also wish to remove or reset Viscosity's Preferences make sure Viscosity isn't running and then enter the following command into the Terminal:

defaults delete com.viscosityvpn.Viscosity

If you also wish to remove Viscosity's connection data for your connections, drag the following folder to the Trash:

Your Home Folder/Library/Application Support/Viscosity

A common mistake when attempting to uninstall Viscosity is to look in the wrong Library folder. macOS contains two Library folders: a global one on your system drive and one in your Home folder. When accessing the two paths above please make sure you are going through the Library folder in your Home folder, rather than the global Library folder.

The Library folder is hidden under modern versions of macOS. To get to it you'll need to open the "Go" menu in the Finder while holding down the Option key on your keyboard and click the Library item. Your Library folder will open.